Sunday, July 12, 2009

Be Strong.

"And every day is a start of something beautiful, something real" -Matt Nathanson

Just another night, to sit and ponder. Life gets really hard sometimes, almost unbearable. You realize some of the people closest to you, are not who you thought they were. That in your lifetime you will lose those that you love, whether they have changed, you lost touch, grew apart, or they may have started a new journey in another universe, or perhaps not. Sometimes you will feel so alone, down and out. Your pillow will be tainted from the blackened tears. Those you love the most will inevitably hurt you in some way. Your innocence will be robbed of you at a young age, and you learn that you cannot single-handedly cure peoples pain. You learn the grass is always greener on the other side. Each generation born is scrutinized just as the last, and will continue to be an endless vicious circle. That technology will overthrow nature, and eventually the world will no longer function. You will learn that 100 years to live life is a short time, and maybe not enough time to complete your route. Nevertheless, you learn that after every storm comes sunshine, that there are those people in your life who are always there for you, that you can buy a new pillow cover, you can start a new day, that you can achieve anything possible, and most importantly you have the strength inside you to carry on and be strong.

[Above is a picture of my first, and right now only tattoo =) ]

-"Totally mad. Utter nonsense. But we’ll do it because it’s brilliant nonsense.”–

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry

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