Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Fixed in this complex web, connected to so many
Stuck with memories I don't want to recollect
Some make me angry, sad, sore and make me want to forget
Flashbacks of these painful actions, faces and words
Countless and continual,
There is an emptiness that is not satisfied
because there is no answer to why.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where did my body go?

The nights have always been long.
With music to my ears and dreams to my mind,
the inspirations were unending and life was understood.
The nights are still long, but they are no longer bearable.
The music is drowned out from to do lists and worries.
My bed is full of tossing and turning.
When did everything change?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Colour me blue, sky blue.
Take me away, somewhere exotic
Anywhere, away from here.
Take me off this black and white page
Thoughts fill my head, too many dreams,
so many wishes, so many outcomes.
Roll the dice for me,
take a chance for me,
Pick me up and throw me,
Needing that push, to get there.
I can see all the colours, I've been dreaming them.
I just cannot feel them.
Feeling Colourless.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


These bright strange walls,
keep my gaze,
the loud lecturing voice begins to fade,
lets escape this life,
off to paradise
on my way to find whats real
the reality of my appeal.
Lost but alive,
can feel my insides,
pumping my desires.

Yours Truly, Huckleberry.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Its getting cold outside
The blankets on the bed are healing.
The shadows on the wall are comforting,
Watch the movement on the ceiling.
Sleeping seems endless,
As the world spins at a measurable rate,
A single life is changing faster.
The speed is fascinating, memories of being in the passenger seat.
180 km, faces are emotionless, adrenalin pumped, breathtaking.
Life was so complete.
It’s one hell of a road ahead.
Thumb up; footsteps keep hitting the gravel.
All the foundations are breaking,
So hard to keep up any longer
Scarred knees from the falls, sore hands from the exertion,
Will never be enough to hold her back.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Your One Minute of Fame

Your One Minute of Fame

The past sometimes crosses the mind,
a memory is reminded of.
A fringe is placed on the face,
a smile is followed.
Knowing that the drama still continues,
shown through your words,
so happy I only had to read your vengeful words in that little inbox.
Must of made you feel so big, thinking you made me feel so small.
No regrets are present, only gratification.
A bow and a thank-you for reminding me, what type of being you are,
and how much hostility you contain.

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sing, Girl.

She crumbled to the coach,
where her face hid in her small hands,
her brown eyes blackened as she weeped.
"Why" is the only word she could speak.
Everything around her disapeared
No strength to move, she felt so weak.
Her rosey cheeks burn.
Not wanting to return.

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Hey there, this post is a little different than my last posts, this is a song I wrote a couple years ago, I recorded it in a studio, however I am hoping to re-record it. Here are the lyrics.

Everytime I look around,
everytime I look around.
I see your smile,
I know your there shining down on me.

When I was little I used to pray
and hope that you would come
back to me one day.

Now things are clear that
your not gone,
your spirits here and your
soul lives on.

Everytime I look around,
everytime I look around.
I see your smile,
I know your there shining down on me.

Losing someone is the hardest thing
things happen for reasons
Maybe God just needed you a little
more than I do.

Please God forgive me for being mad
you've got a great man up there,
thats my dad.

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Take me back, Way back...

Sunday mornings glory.
Vinyls spinning, tea is steaming in one hand
A joint is illuminated in another.
Should have been raised in the sixties
Where things weren’t so bland.
Where Andy Warhol made art of things that were canned.
Generation Y although embellished, is missing so much.
Suppression of human interaction.
The way that people keep in touch,
Is all wrong.
This generation can be so cold,
Its so easy to feel like you don’t belong.
I can just imagine Woodstock 69
Singing along in the field with a bottle of wine.
The who, Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin…
Oh… What could have been.

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The unseen stranger.

walking down a brick pathway,
clouds appear and rain pours,
drenched with water and the warmth turns cold.
No sweater, so I let my hair fall with droplets of water running through it, hitting the ground.
It rains harder and harder every second, no one is around.
My thoughts are distracted by such apprehension for upcoming life changes.
So many things to do, so many plans to finish.
A sad looking man is walking towards me, wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
He must not have planned for rain, just as I.
Closer and closer he appears, he is walking his golden retriever.
He is not walking his golden retriever,
his eyes are closed, his walk is off balance,
his face is so sad, badgered by the rain.
I see that he is unsighted.
How would he have known about this rain, he did not see the clouds, as I.
My heart sinks, as the saying goes, but it did not feel so. It felt like it lifted
Into my throat, I felt choked, my eyes were filling with water, this water was not rain.
Tears fall and join with the rain drops to the ground.
Pain was deeply felt for this stranger on the brick pathway.
Turn the key to the car, and sit for a while.
watching the rain hit the windshield.
Wondering how life is the way it is sometimes.

–”Totally mad. Utter nonsense. But we’ll do it because it’s brilliant nonsense.”–

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry

Monday, July 20, 2009

black deceit

With my eyes closed, it’s black, with faint images of the unseen.
Closer and closer they appear in a theatrical scene,
The pretty faces are laughing, the laughing is frightening.
Its image is haunting, intruding, unending.
The sound is chilling, it’s all obscene.
The long fingers pointing, causing pain, tormenting the aching bloody vascular organ,
beating so hard, pumping blood at an immeasurable rate.
Choking on the organs beat, on breath, on words.
Mouths to ears, whispers are unheard,
But the message is recognized.
All faces are expressed, except the distressed.
The distressed is numb, those faces do not know, they are a loathsome disguise,
And this distressed soul will rise.
The eyes open with so much gratitude for today,
What’s distressing is this dream was once reality.

–”Totally mad. Utter nonsense. But we’ll do it because it’s brilliant nonsense.”–

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Be Strong.

"And every day is a start of something beautiful, something real" -Matt Nathanson

Just another night, to sit and ponder. Life gets really hard sometimes, almost unbearable. You realize some of the people closest to you, are not who you thought they were. That in your lifetime you will lose those that you love, whether they have changed, you lost touch, grew apart, or they may have started a new journey in another universe, or perhaps not. Sometimes you will feel so alone, down and out. Your pillow will be tainted from the blackened tears. Those you love the most will inevitably hurt you in some way. Your innocence will be robbed of you at a young age, and you learn that you cannot single-handedly cure peoples pain. You learn the grass is always greener on the other side. Each generation born is scrutinized just as the last, and will continue to be an endless vicious circle. That technology will overthrow nature, and eventually the world will no longer function. You will learn that 100 years to live life is a short time, and maybe not enough time to complete your route. Nevertheless, you learn that after every storm comes sunshine, that there are those people in your life who are always there for you, that you can buy a new pillow cover, you can start a new day, that you can achieve anything possible, and most importantly you have the strength inside you to carry on and be strong.

[Above is a picture of my first, and right now only tattoo =) ]

-"Totally mad. Utter nonsense. But we’ll do it because it’s brilliant nonsense.”–

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am jaded now, whatever that means.

"This is a crazy world, These can be lonely days,
It's hard to know who's on your side Most of the time" (Leona Lewis)

Well here I am, suscribed to the blogger world, where I can share my thoughts as I type
the words I am thinking onto my plastic keyboard for anyone to read. This world gets a little crazy sometimes, and writing eases my soul.

–”Totally mad. Utter nonsense. But we’ll do it because it’s brilliant nonsense.”–

- Yours Truly. Huckleberry