Friday, June 3, 2011

never die.

On the edge, falling in.
over and over again.
Repeatedly asking; when this will all end?
When will they stop leaving?
Constantly holding back the hurt.
Wishing I could see them again.
They come when my eyes are shut,
but then you have to wake up.
The reality is the nightmare,
because they're not here.
Scattered pictures on the floor,
of better days from way before.


Anonymous said...

Useuially when someone comes across a rare gem they will take it,hold it close. Tell it how amazing and beautifull it is. They then take it to a cutter to take away what is perceived as imperfections. The smooth edges and cracks dissapear and a fabricated existence becomes born.....
The simple eye instead enjoys the gems essence, and instead polishes it allowing the light to shine the way the gem intended it to.
In rare cases the gem remains hidden,lost in the state of perfection. When the simple realization of perfection in a existence of chaos is unreachible and non existent. But lies in the hopes and dreams of all. Instead they fade with time and become lost among the pebbles.....
Forest Chyld

HuckleBerry said...

Nevertheless, it's colossal world we live in. I believe it is not a rare case that gems remain hidden. There are hidden gems all over the world, in places people don't think to look for them. Possibly people see right through them. These gems lay undiscovered, lost and hopeless.

Anonymous said...

To believe hidden gems are a rareity... A very grey way of seeing the world..
If that was true we probably would have never made it past fire.
The intention behind the words was of ways people are treated and likely outcomes.
Thoughts of mu......( who am i )

HuckleBerry said...

I guess in the same way some people treat this world, just as they do each other.