Friday, June 3, 2011

never die.

On the edge, falling in.
over and over again.
Repeatedly asking; when this will all end?
When will they stop leaving?
Constantly holding back the hurt.
Wishing I could see them again.
They come when my eyes are shut,
but then you have to wake up.
The reality is the nightmare,
because they're not here.
Scattered pictures on the floor,
of better days from way before.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A toast.

The band played in a dark lit bar,

the guitarist strummed a somber melody.

Double shot of whiskey on the rocks for me

said she, who sat at the bar, looking kind of lonely.

A stranger next to her couldn't help but ask,

"are you sad little girl?"

She half smiled and her eye's glistened.

There is no little girl left inside of me,

and by are you sad, meaning; am I not happy?

that's a loaded question old man...

This whole world is filled with hopelessness but also with hope,

it's filled with deceit, but also with honesty,

it's overwhelmed by death, but also with birth,

it's touched with broken hearts, but loaded with love.

It's a black and white world we live in,

but because I can point out the sadness and feel it, does not mean I am not happy.

Because I can sit here and think about the forsaken, or write about deeper feelings,

or throw my hands in the air in the verge of anger.

Or because I have loved and lost, made mistakes and learned, fallen and gotten back up, does not mean I am not happy.

It means one thing;

I'm living.

The old man smiled at her with dark eyes,

lifted his glass, "a toast to living".

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dear Tyler

Dear Tyler,

Tears fill our eyes,
faces burn, there are sleepless nights.
It's an emptiness, and everything seems a mess.
Where did you go?
I miss you so.
I'm so sorry, things were hard.
Wishing I could turn it around,
make your life full of high's.
Wishing I could have said good-bye.
I miss your phone calls at 3 a.m. and
Cruises in the Jetta,
listening to the used and taking back Sunday.
Oh, what I would give, to go back to that day.
I'd wipe your tears, and tell you its ok.
Hold you tightly and not let go...

Spread your wings baby and shine down on us.
I know your at peace, and finally happy.
One day we'll all see you again,
Until then.. We’ll keep singing;

"These are my people
This is where I come from
Were givin' this life everything we got and then some
It ain't always pretty
but it's real
It's the way we were made
Wouldn't have it any other way"

Love you always and forever,
always in my mind, always in my heart.

See you at the Crossroads.
Rip. Love Marie

Sunday, January 2, 2011

i'm just a girl.

Take me off this pedestal,

take me out of the light,

i'm just a girl.

and I don't do everything right.

I make mistakes and I fall down.

I have scars, cuts and bruises in and out.

The cover of a pretty book,

the title is the most that's read.

Alcohol lingers, conversation is hasty.

Bodies kept close, yet so far apart.

Coming back for more,

when you should depart.

Lips tremble,

got me shaken up,

stumbling around,

my hearts beating.

That's all it will be.