Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Color me Gray

The interactions between people can be so magical.
that glance at a stranger where you see them, really see them.
Linking eyes, contagious smiles.
Somewhere along the lines, we've all gotten lost.
so lost we don't recognize our own reflection,
how can any interaction be true, when you don't even understand you?
The only thing real are the never ending tears, the only feeling understood
is the ongoing pain.
They always say there is sunshine after the rain.
what do you do when its sunny, but just raining on you?
When the words "i'm fine" and a smile come so naturally but feel so
You stay up late to watch the moon, the silence lingers around the room.
Watching the candle flame flicker, wondering when the this rain will run out.
When the sun will shine.

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