Tuesday, January 19, 2010

21 Years

21 years.

You always hear "adults" telling you how growing up happens so fast,
and to enjoy childhood,
but you cant wait to drive, to drink, to fall in love, to make love, to live on your own,
to be on your own.
So we run through it all, to get to this stage.
They were right. time really flies.
21 years. It's kinda crazy.
Feels like yesterday I was driving my kids jeep,
down the street to ask my friends to play.
I want to make this my year,
my year to conquer my fears,
to live my dreams,
a year to make a change.
Here is a list of to-do's. I have one year! I will update my blog when I finish each thing =)

-Travel to Europe
-Go Sky Diving
-Truly help someone
-Launch a fashion line, just for fun =)
-Sing, even just in the shower.
-Dance a lot.
-Laugh a lot.
-Love a lot.
-Write a lot.
-Paint a window in my room.
-Do some crazy spontaneous things.

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